Licensed Sports
M​assage Therapist
Licensed Sports
M​assage Therapist
Scheduling Appointments
Scheduling Appointments
Scheduling appointments can be done online by clicking the link on the home page. You can select multiple services, time and date of appointment. Appointments can be scheduled up to 24 hours to four months in advance. We'd like to be prepared so that your experience is memorable.
Canceling Appointments
Canceling Appointments
Canceling appointments can be done online. If you are not able to make your appointment we'd like to know as soon as possible. You have up to 24 hours before a session to cancel. Anytime after the 24 hour cut off time will result in a $25 nonrefundable fee. No Call/No Show will result in the full service fee. Please be considerate of our time as we are considerate of yours.
Rescheduling Appointments
Rescheduling Appointments
Rescheduling appointments can be done up to 24 hours online. You can go through your automated confirmation and reminder to reschedule another time and date of your choice.